Ray Bolouri

The Changing Face of Communication Technology

Change is constant in the realm of communication technology. It’s the world wherein the innovations of yesteryear can become obsolete by the time the next calendar year rolls around. It’s the world that demands diligence from its inhabitants, unless they want to be left behind and forgotten, replaced by the next big thing that itself may fade away as quickly as it rose to the top. Things can change at breakneck speed within the world of communication and it is…

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Clean Energy’s Potential Makes It A Wise Long-Term Investment

Sustainability, efficiency and, over the long haul, affordability are just some of the reasons why clean energy needs to be used even more, but there’s one more aspect of it that does not get enough attention that should warrant clean, sustainable energy being considered and utilized even further. Clean energy as it is right now may already be the ideal form of power for the residents of this world to use. The sustainable quality of clean and renewable energy lends…

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Has the prime period for tablets already passed?

There was a time not too long ago when tablets ruled the marketplace, when they rivaled smartphones in popularity and when people thought of them as suitable replacements for their higher-powered laptops and PCs. It appears now however, that the era of tablet domination may have already passed. Apple itself, the purveyor of many premium tablet computers has seemingly downsized its tablet lineup this year. Even though the tech giant brought new tablets to the market in the form of…

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